Tuesday, April 6, 2010

21 weeks, enjoying the best of summer

At this point, were about ending June and heading into July. Definitely a great time to be a puppy. During this week, a couple of my friends and I decided to have a picnic in golden gate park, and it was nice enough the day before to take bailey to the beach. He LOVES digging in the sand.

At the picnic, Bailey managed to get loose, and stole about a 1/3 block of cheese from neighboring picnickers. We were VERY fortunate that the family next to us didn’t mind, but instead laughed and pointed as if bailey were some tame little bear cub munching at their campsite. Boy was I mad…..!!!!!!! we also built him a little fort so he could hide from the sun, and charged strangers money for entrance. ... but no one wanted to go in.

At the beach, bailey enjoyed watching all the surfers and loved digging himself a cold hole to lay in. I remember this day and how perfect the weather was. We never get days like this on Ocean Beach. Never!

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