So, we held our party at the dog friend Crissy Beach in San Francisco. Bailey and his bff Catch Baker held their party on the same day. Bailey is only two weeks older than Catch, and they are bothing turning 3 this year! So, it was a great opportunity to throw a joint party. After a busy morning prepping the last of the pupcakes, we headed out to pick up the cousins and headed to our picnic site. Bailey got to sit in the front seat (Which he hasnt been allowed in over a year) and had a blast. We got a bunch of picnic type lunch food (bread, meats, cheeses, chips, potato salad, drinks), and bought a cake with Bailey's and Catch's picture on it. I baked some special pupcakes for the dogs in attendance (6 of them to be exact including Bailey!), and we ate cake. Then, we opened all his presents. We even received a gift from Uncle Parker and auntie Penelope in the mail!! :) Then, we headed down to the beach for some fun. Bailey loves the water. So did most of the other dogs. We were suprised that little Miette, the Papillon made it in the water too! By the time we left to go home, the sun was setting and we got some great pictures.
Bailey helping me wrap up the rest of the goodie bags. We made homemade chexmix for the humans.
Bailey and I also baked homemade banana and peanut butter biscuits for the doggie bags. We didn't have any bone shaped cutters, so we did stars :) Let us know if you want the recipe!
Bailey wearing his birthday hat for the party. I be-dazzled Bailey and Catch's hats. They have sequins and a "I'm 3" logo and a feather on top!
The Birthday boys!!!!!! Bailey turned 3 on Jan 21, and Catch will turn three on Feb 11!
The birthday cake. Bailey and Catch were printed on sugar paper. Whipped cream with strawberry filing! This cake was for the humans, although little catch did manage to get a few licks of the frosting! :P
When it came present time, Catch decided to run off and play with a stuffed raccoon bailey and i got him. He looked like he was having tons of fun :D
Here are the dogs all mingling together. Everyone got along just fine! Summer, Riley, Bailey, Tanner and Catch! (left to right)
Birthday boys in their hats. They didn't last long on their heads. Bailey kept runnig under the picnic table and of course it would just knock right off
Bailey playing with a frisbee he got for his birthday
Bailey and I hanging out
Bailey cutting the cake. :) i think its super cute.

The pupcakes I baked for the dogs. They were made from carrots, bananas, wheat flour, honey and i basted them with chicken broth and topped them with light cream cheese.
Bailey eating his pupcake! Happy Birthday!!
Bailey and his stash of gifts. oh goodness. who's spoiled? Thanks to everyone for the goodies! Thanks to the cousins for the card - bailey LOVED the poem you wrote about him (cited below):
Bailey Bear by A.Z.
Beneath an apple tree
The dog ways its
Little stub tail,
Big wet tongue
Hanging out,
Panting, Exhausted,
Plops down
On the juicy green grass,
Takes a sniff,
Licks the grass
Chews, another
And another bite,
Goodies from Bailey's relatives Parker and Penelope!
After the picnic, we went down to the beach and the dogs had a blast!
Bailey got to try out his chuck it surfboard he received for secret santa. He loved chasing it. He kept barking for me to throw it and oh... they can bark so loud for having such short legs.. haha :) I had to hide it so he would stop barking!
Bailey chasing after the surboard in the water. The sun is setting :)
Bailey staring off into the distance
Even the kids had fun in the water. Tanner kept a close eye on them!!
The scenery, such a gorgeous day
The party was great and Bailey thanks all those in attendance!!!! He and I truly appreciate all the folks that took time of their busy schedules to attend. I hope you guys enjoyed your goodie bags!
Bailey got a bath when he came home and well, he was very tired he was snoring that night.
more photos can be found on Bailey's facebook page (see right sidebar), or our flickr set.
Also, check out all the videos we have on youtube too! (search Bailey the Corgi)
Happy Barkday, Bailey!!
I just posted a link to your post on The Daily Corgi's facebook page:
Here's to many happy, Corgi-licious years to come.
Love and biscuits,
Laurie Eno
The Daily Corgi
Happy Birthday, Bailey!
Can Luna and I get your recipe for the pupcakes?
Thanks for the recipe and all the comments! Believe me, I am taking TONS of pictures of her - although I think corgis are just as cute when they're full-grown. Your Bailey is proof of that :-)
I love this! The picture of Bailey cutting the cake is priceless!
This makes me so happy! Such cute pictures. It looks like a WONDERFUL day for Bailey! Yes, the pic of him cutting the cake is too precious!! If we weren't all the way on the other side of the country, we'd have been there to wish Bailey a happy bday!
Awww he is a lucky guy!!! Looks like a great day!! :)
Awww so cute!!! He really scored on the loot, huh? LOL. I love the pics. Happy birthday, Bailey! :) I can't believe he wore that hat for all those pics!! Sadie would have ripped it to shreds haha.
Hi Bailey,
Sorry we missed your birthday party. I haven't been feeling well and have been in and out of the hospital. My mom had a prior engagement so she was not able to attend. Glad to see you and your guests enjoyed the party! My mom wants the recipe for the doggie biscuits and pupcakes you made. Would you send it to her please?
Happy Birthday!
looks like a great party, and boy someone made out like a bandit with all those gifts :-)
and agreed with Laurie, how in the world did he keep his hat on this whole time. When we did Bailey's 1st birthday I could barely keep the hat on her for the few pics we took :-)
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